Suddenly Single is a collaborative, strategic, consulting service focused on exploring the transition from being married to becoming suddenly single.

The program focuses on navigating poignant and significant human transitions that ~80% of women will undergo in their lifetimes either through divorce or widowhood.

In an atmosphere of total trust, strong emotional support, open communications, and confidentiality, individual clients will solve problems, practice new skills, explore new horizons and – importantly – celebrate successes in building joyful lives as single individuals.

Based on a needs assessment, Dr. Cook designs customized programs to assist each client in addressing a broad range of key issues facing suddenly single women.

Suddenly Single addresses a broad range of key issues, including:

  • Working through the emotional, psychological, and identity issues associated with the transition from married life – and developing the resilience necessary to spring forward after divorce or widowhood
  • Reframing your identity and actively defining your desired future
  • Restoring yourself as a self-sufficient, confident, and fulfilled individual
  • Capitalizing on physical and mental health and wellness approaches to
    be the best you can be
  • Designing strategies for reducing negative influences and incorporating
    joy into life
  • Learning and obtaining new skills with regard to financial planning, estate planning, insurance and investments, as well as best practices in philanthropy
  • Ensuring that children survive and thrive during and after the transition
  • Understanding and navigating today’s dating world
  • Developing or building upon career paths to date
  • Becoming current or enhancing skills needed in today’s digital world