“To ensure that the Suddenly Single Program can provide real value to clients, I reviewed the concepts underlying the Program with respected life-transition professionals, creating it to be engaging, positive, and focused on moving clients to the ‘New Beginning’ of their dreams.”
Patricia S. Cook, Ph.D.
Marilyn B. Chinitz
Partner, Matrimonial and Family Law
Blank Rome LLP
“As a divorce attorney focused primarily on serving women clients, I have shared in the deep emotional issues that affect my clients during what can be an extended period of preparing for and completing a divorce.
My focus is on the legal levers available to my clients, but the law in and of itself does not serve the breadth of client needs, in particular, the need for a bespoke plan for tackling the challenges of major change in their personal lives.
As I have come to understand what Pat Cook’s Suddenly Single Program can offer my clients, I believe Pat is onto something big and valuable – a caring and professional, one-on-one offering that I have yet to find through any other resource.”
Theodore Kurtz
New York State Licensed Psychoanalyst
New York State Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
“No one enters a marriage anticipating a divorce or the death of a spouse. Our day-to-day lives do not prepare us for major, disruptive, and painful change.
Many of my patients facing this kind of change want to devote their energies to care for the well being of their children or others affected by the emotional and physical disruptions in their lives, while sometimes putting the need to care for themselves in the back seat.
Therapy can be time consuming in that it explores the past. Under the guidance of Dr. Cook, the Suddenly Single Program – while accepting the past – focuses on developing, planning, and implementing a flourishing future for the women it serves.”
Gail Blanke
Life Coach, Founder and CEO
LifeDesigns LLC
“My mission and my life’s passion is to enable people – through coaching, workshops, motivational speeches and books (one of which, In My Wildest Dreams, Living the Life You Long For, Oprah fell in love with and built an entire show around) – to know beyond a shadow of a doubt how good, how powerful, and how necessary to the world they are – and to design lives that thrill and fulfill them.
Not long ago, a woman whom I coach wrote me that she’d been driving through a little town in the southwest, as part of a “solo journey” to find herself, and drove by a small church. In front of the church was a sign that read: “If you’ve been waiting for the sign...this is it.” She told me that she had absolutely no doubt that somehow the sign was put there for her. She returned to NYC on fire and reread her answer to a question I’d asked her months earlier: “How good could you make it?” And she acted. She rediscovered her courage and re-embraced her resolve. She reinvented herself – from the inside out – and fell back in love with life.
Ifyou’ve been waiting for the sign, Pat Cook’s extraordinary Suddenly SingleProgram is it. In fact, she created it for you.”
Ann Kaplan
Partner and Investment Advisor
Circle Wealth Management
“In my universe, I focus on very immediate needs when dealing with a client going through the death of a spouse or a divorce. Their needs are different, but the sudden reality of financial and economic change is profound.
The challenges are great, and often made more tricky when a client is in the early stages of transition and unprepared to look at the hard cold reality of change as it affects her assets and financial well being.
A program like Suddenly Single has the power to facilitate the transition process, helping women embrace what needs to be done to move forward in their lives.”
Marjorie A. Beutel
Beutel & Joyce, LLC
“Controlling their financial destiny is a major stressor when our clients become suddenly single. The changes required in managing finances and taxes are significant and often come as a surprise. Clients not only want to maintain and preserve their wealth but use it to help them achieve new life goals which may not have been priorities when they were married.
Being able to articulate your personal and financial goals to your advisors allows them to help guide and keep you on track to achieve them. Working collaboratively with the client and their respective advisors enables our clients to achieve maximum efficiency.
Pat Cook’s Suddenly Single Program is that all important starting point for the collaboration to begin.”
Bebe Duke
Independent Financial Planning Advisor
“As a finance professional with 40 years of experience, I know how important it is to get the best possible advice about managing one’s finances. Having found myself at one point in my life “suddenly single,” I also know that learning how to deal with a new financial reality is not just a matter of numbers and spreadsheets, but is also emotional and psychologically challenging.
The program created by Pat Cook is unique in that it takes an integrated approach to untangling all the different pieces of one’s life that are upended by the experience of being “suddenly single”.
Pat’s program provides a holistic sensibility about your journey to thrive in your new life in its entirety. No subject-matter specialist, whether lawyer, therapist, or financial advisor, can do for you what Pat’s program will do.”